NAASCA Posters / Essays Celebrating April as National Child Abuse Awareness Month

Child Abuse lives everywhere -- don't be afraid to talk about it
14 of 30 ..

  Child Abuse lives ..
...... in every community
...... behind closed doors

Some research suggests as few as 1 in 10 cases of child abuse is during youth. But this means 90% suffer through childhood in silence .. behind closed doors.

Tithe vast majority become adults heavily burdened by the weight of their secret traumas. Most will determine its best to deal with things by themselves .. behind closed doors.

The persistence of this thinking is astonishing. Virtually every decision, every choice and every relationship is effected, decade after decade, and many take their story to death.

Child abuse is considered a frightening taboo topic, "someone else's problem." People in denial say it WON'T effect them, as long as its kept where it belongs .. behind closed doors.

A few lucky adult survivors of child abuse will turn to recovery at some point.

We recommend newcomers to healing stay anonymous a bit longer .. to all but their therapists, coaches, fellow recovery group members, etc .. until they're strong enough to risk public knowledge of their youthful abuse and trauma.

And then, when comfortable with their recovery, we need survivors to open their previously closed doors, a little at first, just a crack, speaking from personal experience.

We ask such folk to come out of the closet of their abuse.

After all, abused kids have no voice, society members and still secretive adult survivors won't discuss these issues, and newcomers to recovery are still too vulnerable to speak out.

No other people are better positioned than those on their healing journey who are now comfortable in recovery to break down these taboos and convince the public that this should be an issue of the highest National priority.

Bring the topic out from behind closed doors. Come out of the closet.

Please see:
Breaking the Silence for Child Abuse Victims

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